Multi-Cultural Fiction
This groundbreaking collection of short stories brings to life the women—daring, brave, thoughtful, and wise—who played important and exciting roles in the early days of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The stories take an imaginative perspective, filling in between the lines of scripture, history and tradition, and offering role models of faith for young women today. Readers will meet eighteen women including Eve, Sarah, Hagar, Miriam, Esther, Mary Magdalene, Khadija and Aisha.
Ages 10 to adult Reading guide available
Publishers Weekly - “The device of using short stories to better establish these women’s characters and spiritual motivations works well and should appeal to a wide audience.”
Montreal Anglican- “At the hands of its authors there is nothing arid about the desert or the dedication of the women ‘daring, brave, thoughtful and wise.’” “…will be appreciated and enjoyed by young people of faith, young feminists and also by comparative religion students….”
Booklist - “An interesting way of showing how three religions spring from the same sandy landscape.”
Association of Jewish Libraries Newsletter- “Recommended for middle school and above as a starting point for discussions of the role of women in religious communities.”
Buy the book
Barnes & Noble
For an autographed copy contact Mary.
Ages 10 to adult Reading guide available
Publishers Weekly - “The device of using short stories to better establish these women’s characters and spiritual motivations works well and should appeal to a wide audience.”
Montreal Anglican- “At the hands of its authors there is nothing arid about the desert or the dedication of the women ‘daring, brave, thoughtful and wise.’” “…will be appreciated and enjoyed by young people of faith, young feminists and also by comparative religion students….”
Booklist - “An interesting way of showing how three religions spring from the same sandy landscape.”
Association of Jewish Libraries Newsletter- “Recommended for middle school and above as a starting point for discussions of the role of women in religious communities.”
Buy the book
Barnes & Noble
For an autographed copy contact Mary.
For Families
This book seeks to provide you with practical help in teaching your children Christian values and fostering faith in everyday family life. Chapters offer ways to celebrate the church’s liturgical year, as well as secular holidays.
You will find simple explanations of the church seasons and major holy days. Scripture readings, simple prayers, rituals and activities are suggested throughout, as well as true stories from family life meant to inspire, encourage and offer food for thought.
~~Non-Fiction, Religion, Family Life, 190-pages, St. Anthony Messenger Press, Paperback $12.00
Buy the book
For an autographed copy contact Mary.
You will find simple explanations of the church seasons and major holy days. Scripture readings, simple prayers, rituals and activities are suggested throughout, as well as true stories from family life meant to inspire, encourage and offer food for thought.
~~Non-Fiction, Religion, Family Life, 190-pages, St. Anthony Messenger Press, Paperback $12.00
Buy the book
For an autographed copy contact Mary.